This is my current reading list, although I may only read a paragraph a day or a page here and there I am trying to make the effort to do a little more reading in my 'down time'. Maybe one day soon I'll move away from the mama orientated books and read something purely because it looks like fun!
1. What to Expect; the Toddler Years. This book goes through chapter by chapter from age 12 months to 3 years outlining what developmental milestones your toddler should reach and how they are physically and psychologically growing. It also gives examples of worries and concerns other parents have and answers to those niggling questions. I find this book to be my saviour when Stella goes through an attitude change or I have struggles with sleep and eating.

2. Your Pregnancy week by week. This is the book that kept me company during my pregnancy with Stella, I find it not only keeps me informed of all the physical changes in my body and my baby, but it brings back warm memories of my first pregnancy.

3. Shop 4 Kids magazine. This magazine is my indulgence in the world of glossy covers. I like to read parenting and pregnancy magazines as well as ones that revolve around health and homemaking. I find it totally hard to relate to the latest Cosmopolitan now that I am a parent and often find they leave me feeling deflated. Combine kids style with fashion and shopping? You have a magazine mothers can relax with and drool over.

And that's whats gracing mamas night stand this week. Hoping to share with you some more reads as I fulfill my goal of 'me time'! What are you currently reading? Do you find it hard as a mother to read something that isn't related to parenting?
Plenty of love,
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