Baby snuggler wrap by Window Friend Crafts. This wrap is not only beautifully patterned and in the most irresistible shade of mustard, but it is also micro-fleece lined; making it perfect for swaddling a winter baby. The velcro flaps make wrapping a wriggling newborn ready for bed just that little bit easier, not to mention that little bit more pretty!

Owl Leotard by Soft Gallery. Little girls in leotards doesn't have to be sickly sweet, it can be utterly fashionable and adorable. These owl leotards have serious style, I want one for all three of us girls in the house! (Good luck squeezing into that mama!)

The Phil and Teds Vibe. This is the stroller we have decided upon for carting around two busy beings. I love that it is super light and not large and bulky like some double strollers can be. The Vibe is easily transformed to accommodate a newborn and a toddler, two toddlers, or back to a single seat. It folds quickly and smoothly, and pushes like a dream. I've spent many minutes 'practicing' with this beauty in the store!

The Leander Cot. This cot is seriously dreamy, it is coming a close second with the Stokke on our ultimate cot wish-list. Again, it is multi-functional, meaning the need to purchase new furniture as the baby grows is diminished. The one bed is suitable from birth to older child and grows with them, creating a sense of security through childhood. I love the curved form and natural yet modern feel of the bed. Oh Leander, be mine!

The Breastmate. This breastfeeding timer is every mama's best mate. It displays and records the length and side of each feed and reminds you which side to start feeding on next. Perfect for a new mother in a sleepy, zombie state; it is a great way to keep track of your babies feeding patterns and demands, making the establishment of a routine (which we all are dying to achieve) just that little bit easier. You can hook your breastmate up to your computer and even track your babies feeding habits with a spreadsheet with graphs to highlight feeding patterns, this sounds like something this OCD mama would be totally in to. Added features include a room thermometer, alarm and clock. The only thing this little device doesn't do, is feed your baby for you!

Looking forward to sharing more drool-worthy gear for babes with you next week! If you are on Pinterest, you can also follow my 'Gear for Babes' board, pinning all things baby!
Plenty of love,

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