Gracing Mamas nightstand this week is...
1. Studio Bambini magazine- Getting my fix of children's designer fashion is all too easy with this magazine, I float away to a land of wishes and dream about spending a fortune on sweet little coats, shoes and nursery decor. This magazine is both dangerous and beautiful at the same time.
2. The Training of the Child- I picked up this old and weathered beauty at an antiques shop out of town recently, and it was like striking gold! Dated at 1912 and published in London, this little book is an old fashioned manual for parents on raising respectable, well behaved and intelligent children. I am in complete love with the classic and old-fashioned views on parenting and intrigued by how vastly they differ from todays methods. It is rare to find a book written on how to morally train children in this century, based on old family values and it is so interesting reading how parenting has changed through the years. This book was an incredible find! I can't wait to share with you some excerpts as I read and discover more!

3. Benny and Butch. A $2 find, this sweet little book is full of beautiful colour illustrations. It's about two naughty little twin bunny rabbits, confusing their mother by switching places with each other. Perfect for my naughty little bunny to read over the Easter break!

What are you currently reading? And what about your bouncing babes, what is a favourite in their library at the moment?
Plenty of love,

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