It's hard to fathom that in less than 3 months our baby will be here, greeting us with warm cuddles, sleepless nights and plenty of love. Compared to my first pregnancy, this one has flown by. Although it is a challenge to remember what it feels like to not be pregnant, I cant remember the non-pregnant me!
I am still struggling with a lack of physical energy, and have accepted the fact that this is motherhood; Feeling tired all the time is really just part and parcel of the journey. Instead, I am focusing on the best ways to deal with this lack of energy and learning how to pick myself up when it is really necessary. Admittedly, I have let the usual immaculate condition of our house slide a little and prioritised other areas that need my attention. Caring for Stella and ensuring her days are happy is my number one job, and also the one which seems to drain most of my energy. Second to that comes resting, relaxation and recreation; I am determined to enjoy this pregnancy and this stage in my life which I will one day look back on sentimentally. I don't want it to be filled with 'should haves'.
This is a similar attitude I am holding with regards to caring for our newborn, I am so beyond excited to have another beautiful life to nurture and welcome into our world. I don't want to look back in a years time and wish that I had soaked it up a little more or breathed it in a little deeper (which I sometimes do when looking back on my experience with Stella) I will be soaking up and breathing in all the beauty of this experience with every breath I have.
The past few weeks have been an exciting time for Nick, as he has been able to bond with our baby more and more. She has predictable patterns of movement at certain times during the day, with the most active being between 9pm and 11pm at night. This is one of my favourite times of the day, I lay down on our couch and just giggle with amusement at the jolts and wriggles that can be seen from the surface of my tummy. Nick often lays his head against my bump and talks with our baby, getting plenty of friendly kicks to the face in response.
If there are moments during my day when I can quietly lay and hold my hands on my stomach, I take them. Sometimes even catching the wriggles on my iPhone, so I can replay them back to Nick at the end of the day. I've found that this has really improved our relationship in regards to our pregnancy. It is very easy to feel as though you are experiencing something totally unexplainable, and at times totally alone. Likewise, it is common for fathers to feel as though they aren't included and are so isolated from the experience of pregnancy. We are both working to include each other as much as possible so that this experience is not mine, or his, it is ours.
All in all, this pregnancy has been much like my first in that it is breezy. We haven't had any real health issues or scares and everything seems to be following the text books wonderfully. I am getting reflux, heartburn and Braxton Hicks, but this time around they seem far more manageable...just little niggles that remind me of the incredible job my body is currently doing. The next few weeks hold another appointment with our team of midwives, a glucose test for gestational diabetes and the booking of our maternity photoshoot!
I look forward to continuing the countdown with you all. 26 down, 14 to go!
Plenty of love,

26 weeks has gone so fast! I remember when you only just announced you were preg! Reading this makes me miss feeling Felix kick from inside my belly :( I get playful kicks on the outside now haha