This age has brought with it such laughter and happiness to my heart. My nearly three year old has become a fun-loving, creative and cheerful little being. Her personality still exudes humour and cheek, but she has developed some other qualities that are just as exciting to watch grow. Most recently, she has taken on the characteristic of a mini-mother. No-one is safe from her nurturing, lecturing and guidance...I often catch her toilet training her dollys, disciplining her imaginary friends and am regularly told how I am "being such a good girl". It ignites a sweet spark of pride in me watching her show love and care in this way, I just know she will make an incredible mother in her future. Maybe that is her ultimate calling too? To nurture a family of her own.
Our bond as Mother and Daughter has stregthened, she is not only my little one but my companion, my spirit-lifter and my motivator. She has taken an interest in all the little things I enjoy, I guess we learn from what we see. We become our environment. Our favourite ways to spend time together lately include tinkering in my make-up case, colouring, drawing and painting, watching sunrises and admiring weather, collecting leaves and natures treasures and the all-time favourite of Stellas... sharing 'chinos' at coffee shops.
I love that Stella is learning what she loves. At the moment that is pine cones, singing, cats, fairies, tutus, shoes, peanut butter, swing-sets, spreading her own toast, the colour blue, peas, buttons and trampolines. I just love that she loves. And I love when she proclaims, "Oh mummy, I LOVE this..."

With a heightened sense of observation, she has become more aware of the wider world and the multitude of things it presents. She'll become upset if something she watches on TV is less than pleasant and often feels worried for those who are upset or in distress, her empathy is a beautiful gift. This has me being extra conscious of filtering what enters her evolving mind, it has made me extra aware of what our society projects onto the blank canvas that is our children. Rather than fret over the negativity, I need to use this as fuel for creating an environment and outlook that shapes her awareness that is uplifting, open, self loving and accepting. I want to shield her from the excess materialism, the obsession with appearances, an inability to accept minorities and the endangered status of creatively yearning. I guess that I should listen to those clever little quotes typed on picturesque background that I pin to no end, "Be the change you wish to see".
She often brings up the concept of 'being a grown-up', asking me what she might do when she reaches the milestone. Usually her adulthood dreams involve going to the shop to buy some lollies or being allowed to have chewing gum and licking the vegemite from the knife. It has me wondering what may be in store for her. I worry of the challenges that lay ahead of us; school, bullying, friendships, self-esteem, pressure, stress, self-control and morals. I find if I let my mind think to those struggles too often; I become overly anxious and reaching for the nearest book about adolescence. I'll be honest with you; teenage-hood scares the bejeepers out of me.
I know no matter what the road she travels along is shaped like, she will always remain a make-up of her strongest qualities; determination, empathy, creativity and humour. She is a leader, she was born to guide and direct to achieve her wondrous visions.
In just 2 years and 10 months, this tiny human has shaped my life and changed my outlook more than I could have imagined. I am so proud she is mine and so thankful I am hers.

P.S. Our sweet Isla will have a long-awaited update feature soon, I promise!