This weeks smile inducers...
* You can never have enough DIY sites bookmarked for inspiration right? This one is my current favourite, full of sweet ideas!
* The most commonly overlooked thing in toddler discipline is remembering to respect the child. This post titled "Stop being mean to your toddler" gives a new insight on toddler tantrums and discipline.
* I love the Positive Parents website, it always inspires me to be the most positive parent I can be. read here for 5 simple ways you can build a happier family, all of which require little money or resources...just plain old fashioned positivity.
* This post makes me so incredibly grateful to have had quite breezy pregnancies. Having such extreme sickness would not only be scary, but so very challenging. Even easy pregnancies are in fact hard, so a hard pregnancy? Terrible.
* Why be grateful for exhaustion? Here is why!
* Wanna glow while you grow? I have recently become a big fan of a lovely Instagram mama friends store. Yummy Mummies & Mini Me stock a beautiful range of maternity and children's wear. Topping my Wish list currently? These cable knit leghuggers!
* Are you dating a gamer? Perhaps married to one? My lovely cousin has written this as support for all you women out there dealing with a new aged guy and gives you 5 rules to live by.

Thank you for adding indie Ogden's DIY section! love your blog, so cute!