It has been a while since I last picked up some treasures whilst thrifting. However, the things I have picked up over the last fortnight certainly make up for it!
Nick spotted these cute little leather baby shoes at our favourite market, dated from the 1970's they were still boxed! They smell of the 70's, a sweet and happy leather smell.

Another find that Nick is responsible for is the addition to our lounge room, a very large brown chequered vintage suitcase. I love the way it looks in this room, the colour suits perfectly and it is huge! Big enough to act as a piece of furniture for displays.

The treasures I picked up myself include two pale pink dresses for our girls, I can't wait until they are old enough to wear them, side by side in vintage pinks one summer soon! I also found another piece for my ever growing silver collection, isn't it beautiful!

What little thrills have you got from markets and op-shops of late? Anything worth sharing? I am itching to buy more baby and childrens goods on my next thrifting adventure!
Plenty of love,

Those baby shoes are sensational! What a great score. I recently went Opp Shopping and was super excited to find a whole bunch of stores that were stacked to the rafters with everything that had ever been donated- in contrast to many Opp shops that feel as though they can only put out 'quality, modern' items and consequently end up selling nothing of interest. I hope the few stores I found represent a growing trend for oppshops to remember the saying 'one mans trash is another mans treasure'.