Thursday, July 7, 2011

Pretty pretty Pom Pom.

Pom poms are the easiest, prettiest decoration you can make yourself. For your home, for parties, for gifts or just for kicks! I have black and white pom poms in my bedroom hung by lace necklaces, there are pretty pastel pom poms in Stella's room with photos pegged onto them and there are doily pom poms hanging in my kitchen.

Now that I have started making them, its near impossible to stop. Stella's birthday party was the best excuse to see how many pom poms I could make in the space of a week. I quickly shared the secret with my closest creative friends Soph and Lauren and all three of us have been caught in a pom pom romance!

I know there are a squillion pom pom tutorials on the Internet, but nevertheless I am going to share my own. Grab some tissue paper, sit down with a cuppa and pom pom pom away!

The current collection of pom poms in the toyroom of my house, waiting for the big party!

Step 1: Gather sheets of tissue paper. Either one block colour or alternate coloured sheets. I used 12 sheets for a large pom pom. You can make them as small or as large as you please

Step 2: starting from the bottom start folding the tissue in 'fan' style, for a large pom pom with 12 sheets I use 1 inch increments, for a smaller one I use half the size of tissue paper, 8 sheets and fold in half inch increments.

Step 3: Tie whatever you'd like to anchor your pom with in the middle of the folded fan. You can use ribbon, cotton, string, anything really!

Step 4: Angle the edges of each end of the fan. You can chose pointed, rounded or scalloped for different effects.

Step 5: Fold out your fan and lay flat.

Step 6: Gently start pulling each layer of tissue one at a time towards the middle, be careful not to rip the tissue.

Step 7: Separate half the amount of sheets (eg. 6 sheets on a large 12 sheet pom) on one side before turning over and separating the other half from the bottom.

And there you have it! A pom pom. Go forth and let them multiply. Here are some other tutorials that I like if you'd like to read a different one. Happy creating!

1 comment:

  1. Wau, this is a great idea! I must copy it! I wonder what is this "tissue paper" in finnish...? Well, I will find it out, so I can make my own pom poms :)
