Monday, January 9, 2012

motivation, Is that you?

 I am currently sitting at the laptop (9:53pm) with my eyes hanging out of my head. My body wants to be in bed, but my mind wants to be writing, creating or crafting. Lately, I have been so exhausted with pregnancy and mothering that I haven't had the chance to dream. I haven't had the chance to craft a simple card, write a simple blog post or plan a little project.

The effect this has had on my mood is intense; I am a big dreamer, always planning. I am craving to craft, I want to write so badly. But the motivation is not there. I have plenty to write about (growing a baby for one), but I just cant. I wish I knew where this inspiration could be found, where my motivation lies. Perhaps it is just a flying phase due to tiredness, illness and deflation.

In the meantime, I am 150% open to suggestions! If you write a blog, I want to read it. Introduce yourself and I'll stop by for some writers inspiration. If you pin beautiful things on Pinterest, I want to follow you. If you have any suggestions for relieving creators block, I would so love to hear them. Someone please, inject me with the creative buzz I miss so very much!

Plenty of love.


  1. I'm pleased someone out there is feeling the same, I'm in a writers block rut. I need inspiring too; :(

  2. You will get through this, when the time is right and you feel ready.

    I can't imagine juggling all you do but you have a lovely family of support (I guess from your mother in laws post, which really made me cry!!)

    I always find that looking at others blogs and keeping a list of things I want to make/do/take part in gets me motivated when I am in the right place.

    Natalie x

  3. I am feeling a touch the same these days. I know what I want to do, but just can't seem to start!
