Friday, September 16, 2011

Circle of Mothers.

If there is one thing that I would tell an expectant mother, it would be to surround yourself with those who also have children. One of the most incredible, and sometimes the only, support network that mothers can have is other mothers. When you find a positive circle of mothers with similar lifestyles, ideals and morals...embrace it. See them often, enjoy time with the children around, sneak away without the children around. Gossip, moan and gloat.

However, be aware of a positive circle versus a negative circle. If things get competitive; move along. If things get draining; move along. If you leave a visit feeling like you haven't taken a sigh of relief home, haven't exhausted every giggle and tear or haven't smiled; move along. Because that is what your circle should be should leave you feeling relieved that you are not alone. It should leave you smiling.

I have a wonderful circle of motherly support, some I see often, others not so often. Each and every one of them have a positive effect on my parenting, something I am truly grateful for. Recently I added to my circle, by catching up with Danielle. You may remember the feature I did on Danielles home business 2 little birds. We caught up and talked about school, childcare, friendships and tantrums.

Here are some happy snaps of Danielles beautiful children playing with Stella. 

Do you have a support circle? If not, take steps to create that circle for yourself. Whether it be meeting a fellow mother for a coffee, attending a playgroup or e-mailing a mother you know. (I am always open to mail!)

...plenty of love...

1 comment:

  1. Whole heartedly agree Nat. My Mother's Group was a saviour for me and has resulted in a couple of really great friendships. It's great to know there is someone else going through the same thing as you.
