Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Letters of Love

I recently acquired a Step-Mother, (although not as casually as it sounds, I didn't just find her on the street) and it has been the loveliest, most heartwarming experience. My Dad married last October, bringing Janette into our family. Since then she has become a Mother, a Nanna, a listener, a mentor and a friend. I am so very proud to have her take on our family name and become a close loved one.

I often don't know how to respond to affection or know how to best show it myself and as a friend pointed out recently..."You're the kind of person who has a bit of an affection bubble". So, getting the right words out when they are needed and felt can be challenging. Slowly, at the end of a phone call here and there the words "Love you" have flowed easily and a big Hello and Goodbye cuddle has become natural, and I feel as though I can call this lady my Mother. Although the title 'Mum' still feels a little strange to use and will probably always be a word I'd rather avoid, I know that Janette is just that to me; A mother figure.

A week ago, a sweet little document found it's way to my inbox and it caused tears all round. I just had to share with you the beautiful words Janette sent us. She even added cute little photos to the text, cue the 'Awwww!'.

Description of Photo
Description of Photo
Description of Photo
Description of Photo

No matter how unusual, dysfunctional or alternative my small family is, I love it all the same. Accepting this new-found love and affection has been a journey, but one I will never look back from.

In celebration of family!
winterlove blog natalie


  1. How gorgeous are these!! You are so lucky Nat!

  2. It always amazes me how much of the power of 'family' comes from the openness of hearts- and not about blood. Step family and in-laws, adopted children and the ones close enough to feel like family even without a familial bond- all united by love and respect. Your step mother sounds like a lovely lady, and the notes she wrote are just wonderful. xo
